Extending the growing season
Extending the growing season here in the north, where the growing season is short, is precious for us. The contrivances we take are many – with everything from starting seeds indoors so that the plant gets a sufficiently long growing period to carry a harvest to building greenhouses where we can grow things no matter the season.
Starting plants indoors
Starting plants in your house gives hope for a new spring and summer. In order to grow and harvest some plants here in the north, it is necessary to start them indoors first. Some other plants enjoy it as well since it gives them a better chance to survive once they get put outside. However, it is quite space-consuming to do this on a larger scale, and you need to have a genuinely bright place for them. If you do not have enough light, it is possible to solve this with different lighting setups. If you are entirely unable to start them at your place, you may be able to house your plants with someone with better conditions.
Using cold frames and hotbeds when extending the growing season
A cold frame is a small, low greenhouse. With a simple cold frame consisting of a solid frame and a transparent lid, you can extend the growing season by about a month during both spring and autumn.
The longer side of the cold frame should be turned slightly to the southwest, and the rear wall should be higher than the front to get the most out of the sun. The tilted lid also makes snow and rain slide off easier. Materials for the frame can be concrete or wood, and the lid any material that lets the sunlight through accurately. It is common to use old windows. To make the climate in the cold frame even better, you can insulate it with soil, leaves, or…