How to make Cultivation Beds
Price: 58 SEK
How to make Cultivation Beds is a 13-page PDF with information on how you create different cultivation beds. You’ll get detailed descriptions and illustrations of how to go about making everything from a simple bed directly on the lawn to the raised hügelbed.
The hügelbed in particular has many advantages. No digging is needed – you build directly on the ground up. To build it, you use garden “rubbish” such as thick branches, twigs, old grass, and leaves. Once in place, the hügelbed retains moisture for a long time and thus reduces the need for watering. It also provides nutrients longer than a regular bed. If you then combine it with cover cultivation almost no weeding is needed. A variation on a layer-on-layer bed is the so-called lasagna bed, which is also described in words and illustrations.
If you are curious about more gardening facts, I highly suggest getting the product Bundle 1 – All parts of the appendix
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