Take a look inside the book
Sustainable Gardening Made Easy is filled with heaps of information, photos, illustrations & fact tables to help you with your ideas.
The book is divided in three main sections. Part one gives you an insight into how nature works when left alone and how you can replicate nature’s own ways in your garden. Part two will teach you more about permaculture and why it’s an ideal tool for gardening. Part three teaches you how to succeed with everything from design to harvest when you want to grow sustainably. It’s also a rather pretty book that you can easily leave on the table for curious visitors!
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Extending the growing season
Extending the growing season Extending the growing season here in the north, where the growing season is short, is precious for us. The contrivances we take are many – with everything from starting seeds indoors so that the plant gets a sufficiently long growing period to carry a harvest to building greenhouses where we can […]

Gardening for diversity and achieving an ideal harvest
Gardening for diversity and achieving an ideal harvest Gardening for diversity and achieving an ideal harvest is all about the details. How and what we grow can be varied almost infinitely, as long as we understand what works best for our growing conditions and own goals. The ideal place to grow your crops The very […]

Getting different household animals
Household animals Household animals may not be what everyone expects from a book about how to garden. But for your land to become similar to nature’s ecosystem, animals must be allowed to do their part. To give some inspiration along the way, I have made a brief compilation of the most common household animals when […]

How to plan a landscape
The best way to plan a landscape To plan a landscape – whether it is a small plot or a farm – you need answers to quite a few questions. Maybe this feels like a lot to keep track of in the beginning, but if you take it a little bit at a time, most […]